Staying Private makes it easy to remain private online.
What we do
- No sign up required. You can publish a fleeting thought or your next manifesto without ever creating an account. Go ahead, start writing!
- No tracking. We don't rely on advertising to fund our business, so we don't track you around the web or sell your personal data. Feels good, doesn't it?
- Minimal data collection. We only ask you for the information we need to make work well, and even that (an email address) isn't required.
- Minimal public metadata. Authorship is never exposed on anonymous posts, even ones published from the same account.
- Multiple identities. Subscribers can create multiple pseudonyms under the same account and be sure their true author isn't publicly exposed.
- First-party tools. We host our own site analytics data (using Piwik) and only use third-parties for handling payments (Stripe) and site support (Chatra). Even our fancy fonts and Javascript libraries are hosted by us.
What you can do
While we take steps to keep your identity private, remaining anonymous still relies on you taking a few basic precautions:
- Don't give away identifying details in your writing, such as your name, address, or information unique to you.
- Be careful who you share posts with, especially if you don't want certain people seeing them.
- Create multiple pseudonyms to use in different contexts online. This helps reduce the chances of people determining your true identity by noticing common patterns of behavior.
These will get you started, but we highly recommend reading the EFF's guide to blogging anonymously for specifics on how to safely write online with platforms like